Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Whas' been going on??

I've been crocheting like a mo', or even a grand mo'. The cafe where many of my wares are sold recently had it's first birthday. Photo's here...In which me and a troupe of multi-talented ladies performed a few songs.

Here's us performing I just can't get enough (I'm playing the melodica)

My birthday was on September the 4th and I received a barrage of lovely presents. However my new room mate (boyfriend moved in in August) gave me some books that top almost everything else

And I've been making more necklace lately. All of them for sale at E for Ethel
Here's a necklace I made out of a ribbon

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

 I recently received a brand new sewing machine as an early birthday present from my mum [xxo], so the brooch making is getting easier and quicker. I'm very thankful for this. Arthritis runs in my family and I want to keep crafting, playing guitar and drawing well on into my 70's. I plan to be a kick-arse grandma who would make a Dr Who scarf at the drop of a hat.

I'll be once again gracing the Adelaide derby scene with my stuff as I did in May witht the help of Graham Self (thanks love).

As well as this I've been grabbing a coffee whenever I can at 'E' for Ethel. It's lovely being able to chat and have my usual, I even got to film in their the other day for uni, (stay tuned for "Put a beard on it".)

I found my old crocheting needle which is fluro orange with a teddy bear on the end, I think I got it as part of a kiddies knitting pack, and I've made a necklace out of my nanna squares.

I would like to turn this into a business, but I dont want to do it so much that I end up resenting it. Right now, it's my form of meditation after studying and I love it, it's hard to balance it out between study, music and stand up though. Ah well


Friday, June 1, 2012

Nanna nights @ E for Ethel

Hey kids I advise you going down to the cute cafe on melbourne street and improving your craftivism skills, also checkout what port Adelaide residents have been doing, good on you guys xx