I'll be once again gracing the Adelaide derby scene with my stuff as I did in May witht the help of Graham Self (thanks love).
As well as this I've been grabbing a coffee whenever I can at 'E' for Ethel. It's lovely being able to chat and have my usual, I even got to film in their the other day for uni, (stay tuned for "Put a beard on it".)
I found my old crocheting needle which is fluro orange with a teddy bear on the end, I think I got it as part of a kiddies knitting pack, and I've made a necklace out of my nanna squares.
I would like to turn this into a business, but I dont want to do it so much that I end up resenting it. Right now, it's my form of meditation after studying and I love it, it's hard to balance it out between study, music and stand up though. Ah well